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For a Student Packed Order

1. Please have volunteers ready to help unload the truck and lay out your shipment upon arrival.  We suggest 1 volunteer per 300 items sold. The more the merrier!
2. We recommend you lay out and distribute your group's order in a spacious location such as a gym, auditorium or cafeteria. You may need to reserve this location in advance due to other activities. We also suggest no one but volunteers be allowed in the distribution area until the order is completely prepared for distribution.
3. You'll find the packing list inside your main box in a manila envelope. Enclosed is a summary report of your order and detailed sales summaries.

4. Every participant has been assigned a number. This number is listed beside each participant's name on the summary report. Their number is also written on each of their box(s).

5. If your delivery is a school wide sale or a multi-group organization, each classroom or group is listed on each seller(s) box(s) [if entered by group/class/team at the time of ordering].

6. For easy distribution, line the boxes by group/class/team, then numerical order. Notice, some participants have more than one box. If a box says '1 of 3', this means there has to be a '2 of 3' and a '3 of 3' for that seller. See example below.

7. Before the driver leaves the premises, count all boxes and make sure your count matches the paperwork. Do not allow any box(s) to be distributed until all product has been paid out and accounted for. This means if a box says '3 of 3', then you are certain there are 3 boxes for that participant.

8. If prize program is applicable to your order, notice all prize items are boxed separately from the participant's order. These items are labeled with the corresponding participant's number and group/class/team(if applicable). We suggest all orders be laid out before the distribution of prizes.

9. Please have all participants check their box(s) on the premises at the time of delivery. We suggest each participant confirm his or her order with the coordinator. Make note of any discrepancies on your check-in sheet at this time.

10. If you have any questions about how your delivery should work, please contact our friendly Customer Service department at 1-800-960-2014. We will be glad to assist in making your delivery as smooth as possible!

When receiving your delivery, make note of any visible damage to your shipment on the driver's freight bill. Please contact Customer Service to report any damages to your shipment due to shipping. We also ask that you complete and fax [800-878-2948] your check-in sheet to Mega Dough Fundraising within 24 hours of delivery of any product damaged or shortages in shipping. You will then be contacted by a Mega Dough customer service representative to resolve any issues you may have. Any notification of problems after 24 hours will be assumed to be a customer ordering problem and not a Mega Dough Fundraising sorting problem. We will be happy to ship product to correct the error. The cost of the product and shipping will be billed to your organization. Be sure to check shortages against the participant's order-taker and the detailed sales summaries immediately to see if the order was entered online correctly. (transposing incorrectly causes shortages or overages).



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